Quote vastman="vastman"Correct. We are where we are and whatever happens will happen. Hilarious that Roe's opinion is given any credibility considering how little most fans seem to give him when he was here.
Peter Roe was paid up in full by the club as he has admitted so I can't see why he should be bitter.
Also how come so many people seem so sure about the new regime at the club. I understand why some of the deluded on here are totally won over but you'd think someone who has been around as long as Roe should know better.
So without any fear of upsetting AG's cheerleaders on here I don't see that the new regime has done anything yet to warrant us getting a second chance. Like everyone else we should stand or fall on our application.'"
I haven't given a great deal of thought until now as to weather he's grinding an axe or not (if im honest i probably thought he might be after his stint) but if as you say he was paid up in full by the club, then he should have no reason (as you rightly say) to be bitter.
So perhaps he's just saying it as it is, i've also heard something similar, from elsewhere (although this could be associated with bitterness or the renewed enthusiasm, i don't know) maybe the honest truth is/was, we had no chance of gaining a franchise under TR for whatever reasons, and now we are moving in a more professional manner we are looking a different prospect? Just a guess.
Now as for being a cheerleader for AG, me? certainly not. A cheerleader for good management of the club i love dearly? dead right.
If TR had run the club over the last few years in such a proactive manner, i would have supported him, but he didnt.
Now what i want to know is why, when there is such positivity round the place, do you feel the need to bring gloom and negativity, because that's what it is, you aren't just stoicly swimming against the tide as you may want us to think?
Nobody is saying everything is perfect, just better than it was, but all you do is post negativity, lies/mis-truths and then try and hide behind others ('im still waiting for AI to back you up by the way) when you are proved to do so.
Clearly you are a fan of long standing, but i fear your love of TR far outweighs your love of the club.
Going back to your anti AG post on the Belle Vue thread, if as i thought you were a member of SWAG i dont understand how you could post such comments knowing that they were at that meeting and so was AG, clearly you are not kept in the know or are creating mischief.
I think you need to stop acting like a spoilt child who's not got his own way and thrown a temper tantrum and start supporting the "club" you claim to love, nobody expects you to like everything thats going on, just get behind the momentum when we have it.
There will be problems in the future, as long as they are addressed in the professional manner they have been so far i will support AG, if he goes down the TR route i will be the first to decry him.
My Loyalty is to Wakefield Triniity Wildcats, not one man, and despite what you might think, currently things are vastly improved and perhaps, just perhaps the RFL may look upon us differently now (although I'm not throwing away my A-Z of NL1 clubs though just yet
