....of discomfort at the low gates have appeared on the official website at the foot of the match report from Friday.
You have to accept there are issues here:
1) Blackpool Panthers don't currently play in Blackpool
2) (South) Fylde folk aren't and never will be RL people...their sporting interests are mainly Yoonion, Golf, Bowls and all things Equestrian.
3) Whether we all like it or not a lot of the footfall at Panthers comes from RL fans who live close by but follow the Panthers as their second club. So hence when we clash with Wigan, Saints etc the crowd will be lower. That being the case, don't clash with them if at al possible (I know this was unavoidable this week).
4) the goal was always to get out of the graveyard that is Championship 1 and make the Championship, perhaps the board are now beginning to realise there is little appeitite for thsi level of RL, no matter how well we play.
5) this season was never going to be cost effective and whilst it would be nice to see more through the gates, whilst at Fylde it is most unlikely to happen. The club needs to accept this and work towards returning to Blackpool at the earliest opportunity.
Before anyone accuses me of any negativity I'm not, but I am being realistic. 35 years of mainly crap RL with the occasional false dawn has taught me to be cautious