DSJ1983: Dave K.: Actually think they already had a spot, might be more for cap space
Will be both. If they can free up a quota spot and cap space quickly they can offer Macdonald a multi year deal without having to worry about dispensations and adjusting quota/cap for 26, a luxury that Rovers or whoever else don’t have so puts them in the driving seat.
Anything he says should be taken with a pinch salt, but saw DB arguing with some Salford fans on social media last night. He seems to be hinting that he knows the financial situation at Salford is worse then being let on, possibly administration. If that’s the case he’s obviously trying to get deals done before the rest of the vultures circle and it’s a free for all.
Other advantage for Leigh with a player such as MacDonald is that if they're settled in the area they won't have to uproot or face a lengthy daily commute.