Quote atomic="atomic"If Mr Beaumont wants to run the risk of a fine due to ignorance of the laws of the game, that's his prerogative. It doesn't involve us.
Then again, he still is the main shareholder of the Club and I believe must still be investing money in the Club in some form.
He may take a backseat in the running of the game,but at the end day he still owns the Club. Has he paid for his corporate box this season?'"
I welcome his investment, and did in previous seasons, and I do not doubt his commitment to the club and the sport. My concern (sounds much better than 'gripe') is about the reputation of the club. Having previously witnessed first hand, what a bad rep. does for our club, it is very difficult to regain the respect of the RFL, or other clubs, once they have been 'upset'. Whatever we think of the RFL, and we all probably feel that they do some 'odd' things, we upset them at our peril. At the end of the day, we need their support, and have to work with them.
As for the owner's corporate box, I expect he has paid for it many times over!