Everyone copped it!
Couple of points of note:
Re. the tv deal, he basically said he was no expert in body language but he didn't need to be, to work out that a head of one of the SL clubs knew more about the finer points of the Sky deal than any of the others. I won't name him, but the Doctor did.
He asked what sort of message does it send out that the coach who led us to third in the World Cup, in what was basically a three horse race, has been kept on and is assistant coach at an NRL club?
He said the deal with First Utility meant that as a club we would get about £30k, and of course we wouldn't be allowed to spend it on the squad due to the cap. Ditto the £300k we will get from Sky.
He turned to the players and stated that his highest earning player was on a "fraction of what some of those (I won't use the exact phrase, it's a family board) were on at the RFL".
And perhaps strangest of all, he addressed the players and stated that the thought of seeing them play on February 16th is more exciting to him than the first time he had sex
He certainly knows how to garner press. Not sure this was the appropriate place to raise some of the issues, and I think he realised as such when, after his opening salvos against the game in general, he then turned all positive about the side's chances this year . And whilst I admire his enthusiasm and all he is trying to do, I may be a little prudish, but there was some choice language in there, which I'm not sure did him any favours...