Quote JEAN CAPDOUZE="JEAN CAPDOUZE"The RFL has to demand of future SL clubs that one of the criteria for entering Super League must be having a junior structure.'"
I'll stop you there.
The RFL USED to control SL and when under the licencing era, there were criteria that had to be met, many many clubs did not meet them. These clubs were not ejected from the superleague and a few years later, the chairpeople of these same clubs wrestled control of the top tier away from the RFL.
To be clear. The RFL have very little say (if any) on who can play in Superleague.
As for the rest of your insane ramblings, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga are jam-packed with ANZAC heritage players, because there's little pathway in those island nations, due to their domestic comps being shambolic and terribly run. Ireland have a pub league, Scotland not even that. USA and Canada without their heritage players would be trounced by the Wellington Orcas Rep side, France's own domestic comp is heavily populated with ANZAC players, as is their SL side. Italy, Greece and Lebanon would again all rely on ANZACS and as for the local comp in PNG, it is slightly better run than those in the pacific Islands, but their best players are again heritage ANZACS or playing in the NRL 2nd tier.
What the powers that be have decided to do is give the illusion that Rugby League is a global game, when in reality, at the forthcoming world cup there will be England, NZ, Australia, PNG and France + 11 sides packed with players born in either England, NZ or Australia and all but a handful of squad players will come from one of two full time professional comps on the planet....sorry, that should say from THE ONLY 2 FULL TIME PRO COMPS.
Outside of the NRL & SL, League is basically run as an amateur/Semi-Pro sport with boot payments and the occasional overseas star on a full time contract.
The USA (RANKED #18) has 11 sides along the eastern seaboard, all of whom are of a pub standard. Canada(#27) fairs slightly better with 20 pub sides across 3 comps. Ireland (#12) has 12 sides again of a pub standard but still one for each ranking place, whilst Scotland has 4 pub teams and are considered the 9th best RL nation.....
...so, back to your imaginary 20 team SL. If the USA sides in the cities you have named are to be in any way able to compete against the likes of St Helens or Wigan, will they (a) Pick players from the Jacksonville Axemen or the Brooklyn Kings, or, will the pillage the M62 corridor and the 2 eastern states of Australia for their players?
I ask this as a genuine question and would prefer a genuine answer, based on reality, not "what if's" or "if only's".....and remember, Perez the Genius as you refer to him has already trawled the USA looking for RL players and found NOT 1!