Whilst most on the board seem content with throwing about unsubstantiated accusations about Wires dealings id lile to buck the trend and congratulate them on a classy signing.
Yes he wouldn't be here if it werent for a bit of, well we all know what, but at the end of the day there is no doubting his quality and SL will be a better place for having him here- even its only for a season. It will be nice to see proven overseas players rather than the usual dross we are acustomed to.
Im no Warrington fan but it seems most are quick to criticise rather than congratulate them on taking advantage of an over blown event in Aus (im not going to get into a debate about the rights and wrong of the situation- not that there are any rights but you know what i mean!)
Looking forward to seeing him play this year (even though i really hope you don't win anything!
